The Journey Began April 14th, 2008.
Journey of Giving
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Below are a few of the comments that were posted by people who are part of the journey and registered their shirts.

Comment From: Christi Payson, Shirt: 0,003,787
From: Punxsutawney, PA
I've been part of Kadie Stonebraker's journey since shortly after her diagnosis. Thank you for creating this site! It is a great way to help families in need.

Comment From: Jessica Sandoval, Shirt: 0,000,809
From: Ridgecrest, CA
Grandma sent us these shirts from Strongstown,PA. After reading your story, I will proudly wear your shirt. I have lost many relatives to cancer and have friends and relatives fighting the battle now. Thank you for allowing me to take part in this wonderful idea.

Comment From: Lisa, Shirt: 0,001,788
From: Glen Campbell, PA
In support of the Kruise family. Awesome way to touch shirt at a time!

Comment From: Susan, Shirt: 0,000,677
From: Kinsman, OH
I think this is a wonderful cause and I sincerely hope you meet your goal!

Comment From: Brenda Reeder, Shirt: 0,002,660
From: Gallitzin, PA
My son plays JV Basketball for Penn Cambria High School and his team bought shirts to benefit Mr. Kruise who is suffering from cancer. I am an oncology nurse and think it's awesome for what you are doing. Keep up the good work. Hopefully someday you will reach your goal!!

Comment From: Bonnie, Shirt: 0,000,075
From: Wayne, MI
This is such a wonderful campaign and I wish you the greatest of success. Knowing there are people who care and are willing to do something is a blessing. God bless!

Comment From: Jennica Black, Shirt: 0,001,388
From: Homer City, PA
I love my pink shirt! I bought it for my Uncle Mike!

Comment from: Kathleen A. Kruise
From: Irvona, PA
We would like to take this time to thank Kim and all of her staff at Millionshirtmom. What they do is absolutely amazing! My husband is Terry (Teach) L. Kruise. Brittney Maseto and Taylor McConnell initiated the sale of the t-shirts as their Senior Project at Harmony High School. This was a huge undertaking. We did not even know that we knew so many people who have been so generous in purchasing a t-shirt for Terry. It really touched our hearts to go to the surrounding schools and see the boys/girls wearing their t-shirts as their warm-ups before the basketball games. We would to thank each and everyone of you for being so supportive. We ask that you "Keep praying". Thank you!

Comment From: Jamie Koegler
From: Wasilla, AK
I am Lisa's sister Jamie and I just wanted to let you know I appreciate everything you have done for her. You are truely a Godsend to so many people. I wish you the best of luck in reaching your 1 million and hope you surpass it by another million!!!

Comment From: Janet Sitosky, Shirt: 0,003,299
From: Home, PA
I purchased my shirt in honor of Sue Mottorn. I worked as a secretary with Sue and truly miss her.

Comment From: Missy, Shirt: 0,000,033
From: Northern Cambria, PA
I am a teacher in 4th grade, and this year in my classroom I have 2 parents of my students who have cancer. Also, I have a close friend who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. I feel helpless and want to do something for them and their families,I believe this journey is one way of helping.